4pce place setting-Clarice Cliff Sunburst Set

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4pce place setting-Clarice Cliff Sunburst Set

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4pce place setting-Clarice Cliff Sunburst Set

Out of Stock Special Order Item
Item: C-183T-CLC
Price: $55.00

This is a Clarice Cliff design called Sunburst.  It is hand drawn and hand painted with underglazes, then glazed with clear glaze.

Size:  Plate size 1 -- 1 inch diameter (25mm)
             Plate size 2 -- 7/8 inch diameter (23mm)
             Bread Plate 5/8 inch diameter (17mm)
             Cup 3/8" W 3/8"t (10 mm W X 10mm T). Saucer  1/2 Dia (15 mm)