Fancy Wedgwood Jasperware style vase

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Fancy Wedgwood Jasperware style vase

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Fancy Wedgwood Jasperware style vase

Out of Stock Special Order Item
Item: C-203A-WFF
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This vase is done in the typical jasperware style and is made to closely resemble full size jasperware examples.  This vase has five full lady figures around it.  This and the extensive shoulder, rim, and foot designs make this vase at the top of the price range and the most fancy example I've done to date.  The designs are all painstakingly applied with white porcelain onto the colored porcelain before it is fired.  The nature of this process means that some decorations will appear more translucent than others and each example is one of a kind.  This vase is shown here with a square base that is optional.  Choose colors and options from the dropdown menu.

Size: 5/8 inch diameter (18mm) 1 1/8 inch tall (30mm) without base 1.25 inch tall (34mm) with base